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Students acquire skills to be effective citizens in the communities where they live.

Expectations - a complete syllabus packet will be distributed the first day of class and must be signed by parent and returned no later than the 3rd class. Students receive a grade worth 25pts. Syllabus returned after 3rd class 15pts.


* Students are expected to attend all classes on time as stated in the School Handbook and procedures manual and are prepared necessary materials to effective participate in classwork.


*Students are proactive in his/her education and stay abreast of all assignments, ask questions or seek advance counsel with the instructor if clarification is needed about the curriculum.


* Parents keep abreast of student's performance by checking the online parent portal and email instructor if there are questions or concerns.


* Class participation and performance is a major percentage of grade. Students are expected to exhibit willingness, preparedness and enthusiasm toward all "in-class" activities, projects, written assignments and performances.


* Students return all assignments on the designated deadline.


* Parents provide satisfactory written notice of student's absences or inability to meet deadlines per the District Handbook regarding excused absences and make-up assignments.


* Students are required to maintain a journal and notate all assignments, handouts or other pertinent material for journal entries.

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