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It is my professional duty to maintain a safe, nurturing, and creative environment conducive for learning and building productive relationships without bias, while inspiring students to strive for academic success and acquire skills to be effective citizens in the communities where they live.


Students are expected to maintain appropriate behavior at all times. Discipline, self-control, respect for the instructor, fellow classmates and the work environment is an essential part of this course and prepares students for a manageable theatre environment. Students exhibiting excessive ill-behavior or violating class/school/district policies will receive a 10 point deduction from the participation grade for each occurrence. Violations include but are not limited to: 

*distracting class

*refusal to participate

*excessive talking

*chewing gum when performing or speaking before class

*unapproved use of cell phone or any electronic device

*disrespect toward teacher and fellow classmates

* bullying or name calling

*and other behavior deemed inappropriate and disruptive to the class environment.


Behavior Penalty:

1st and 2nd offense - Student will receive 2 verbal warnings.


3rd offense - Instructor will contact parent/guardian and a warning slip will be sent home and must be signed by the student's legal guardian. The slip must be returned the following scheduled theatre class.


4th offense - If ill behavior persists, the student will be written up on school's behavior form and sent to the Principal's office.

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